The 2023-2028 multi-year accessibility plan outlines the goals and initiatives that reaffirm Turner Hospitality Group’s (THG) commitment to creating an accessible place to dine and building an equitable and inclusive environment that values the contributions of people with disabilities.
Multi-Year Accessibility Plan for Turner Hospitality Group.
The 2023 to 2028 Accessibility Plan applies to Turner Hospitality Group.
This plan is updated at least once every five years and posted on THG’s websites.
Statement of Commitment
THG is committed to treating everyone in a way that allows them to live with respect and maintain their dignity and independence. We believe in integration, inclusion and equitable opportunity. We are committed to meeting the needs of people living with disabilities in a timely manner and will do so by preventing and removing barriers to accessibility and meeting accessibility requirements, especially as they relate to the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (“AODA”).
THG is equally committed to supporting associates through advice, policies, tools, training, resources and governance structures that promote an inclusive and accessible workplace and support employees in delivering accessible goods, services and facilities.
THG has implemented a Customers with Disabilities Policy to ensure that customers with disabilities are treated with respect and dignity in their dining experience at THG.
THG has implemented a Duty to Accommodate Policy that applies to all associates in the restaurant to ensure that associates do not face barriers to working or continuing to work because of disabilities.
Accessible Emergency Information
THG is committed to providing its customers with publicly available emergency information in an accessible way upon request. Emergency procedure information is available to visitors of Turner Hospitality Group at Blue Inc. THG also provides associates with the opportunity to prepare individualized emergency response information plans to assist in the event of an emergency.
THG has provided training to all of its associates on the subject of customers living with disabilities and Turner Hospitality Group will ensure that the training remains current at all times.
THG will provide training to associates, managers, service providers and volunteers on applicable accessibility laws and human rights legislation as it relates to people living with disabilities. Training will be updated and provided on an ongoing basis. Records of the training, including dates and the number of individuals in attendance, will be maintained in accordance with AODA.
Customer Service
THG strives to provide customers with disabilities with the same level of access to goods, services, and facilities as the rest of the population. This can and does include:
- Accommodating the use of assistive devices, service animals and support persons by customers with disabilities or considering and making available alternative arrangements where this is not possible.
- Communicating with customers in a way which accounts for unique disabilities, including providing alternate communication formats.
- Providing reasonable notice to the public of any temporary disruption to facilities and services and are normally made available to persons with disabilities, including the reason for the disruption, the anticipated duration of the disruption and a description of alternate services or facilities, if any, which are available to persons with disabilities during the disruption.
Information and Communications
THG is committed to meeting the communication needs of people living with disabilities.
THG has updated its website and content on the site to conform with Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA.
THG will continue to i) assess current forms of company communication, ii) consider accessibility requirements when creating new forms of communication, iii) make appropriate changes and accommodations, and iv) ensure customers and associates are aware of how to participate in providing and receiving a response to feedback.
THG will continue to make sure all publicly available information is made accessible upon request and ongoingly assess all forms of information provided to the public and determine if there is anything that would make it hard for people/those living with a disability to read, see, hear or understand and establish processes for ensuring alternate formats are available in a timely manner.
THG is committed to fair and accessible employment practices.
THG will accommodate people living with disabilities during the recruitment, assessment and hiring processes and during employment. Job postings and advertisements will inform prospective candidates that accommodation is available in the hiring process. Offers of employment will notify successful candidates of THG policies for accommodating people with disabilities.
THG will review current recruitment policies, job descriptions, processes and communications and amend them as necessary and as required by the AODA to reflect required Integrated Accessibility Standards.
Upon the request of an employee with a disability, THG will consult with the associate to provide or arrange for the provision of accessible formats and communication supports for information that is needed in order to perform the employee’s job and information that is generally available to THG employees.
THG will develop or revise, as required, individual accommodation plans and return-to-work policies for associates who have been absent due to a disability. Individualized emergency response information will be provided to employees with disabilities which reasonably require the provision of such information for emergency preparedness.
THG will review performance management, career development and re-deployment processes and amend as required to ensure the accessibility needs of associates living with disabilities are taken into account in connection with these processes.
THG will take the opportunity to identify and take any necessary steps to prevent and remove other accessibility barriers impacting employment.
Design of Public Spaces
THG will work toward meeting the Accessibility Standards for the Design of Public Spaces when building or making major modifications to public spaces, which can include ramps, sidewalks, entrances and service-related elements like service counters, check-out lines, waiting areas and washrooms.
We encourage our employees, guests and anyone visiting our offices and establishments to provide feedback on their experiences regarding the accessibility services provided by us, which THG will respond to. Guests may provide feedback by:
- Speaking directly to a manager while on the restaurant premise
- Calling the restaurant directly.
- Visiting the contact page of the restaurants website.